On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is our honour and pleasure to invite you to the 60th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology (IEB).
The Workshop will be held in Tübingen at the Innovationszentrum Westspitze, from 14–16 September 2025, and will be preceded by a Symposium on 13 September at the same location.
The IEB Workshops are organized annually throughout academic centres in Europe with the objective of offering an international platform for scientific exchange on the latest developments in the field of inner ear biology. The Workshops are forum for multidisciplinary interaction between basic research scientists and clinical scientists, working at the genetic, molecular, cellular, and whole-organ levels. The official website of the Workshops is located at www.innerearbiology.eu.
In conjunction with the Workshop there will be a one-day Symposium, entitled Molecular Otology, beginning Saturday morning, 13. September. Presentations will be from invited speakers, and will highlight cutting-edge issues of drug, cellular, gene, and genetic therapies in otology. Satellite symposia have proven extremely successful in the last few years because they allow focusing on an exciting topic of inner ear biology.
The Spoendlin Junior Award will be presented for the best extended abstract submitted by a young researcher, less than 35 years old. The Award includes a certificate of recognition and a cash award.
We look forward very much to welcoming you in Tübingen in 2025.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Hubert Löwenheim and Anthony W. Gummer